
Wellness By Rosh

We provide interactive sessions and hands-on resources for our clients to improve their health and wellbeing.

Wellness by Rosh is a health initiative, founded by Roshan Kumar Singh. It is designed to maintain and achieve overall wellbeing through a holistic approach, diet, physical activity. We believe in addressing the root cause in order to prevent and manage the lifestyle and auto-immune disease.

How Wellness Program Is Different from Regular Health Promotion
Usually the health program’s end goal is to be healthy, to subside illness etc. Wellness is a lifestyle modification for overall well being. Wellness program is all about to adapt and maintain a balance of every aspect of life: physical, mental, social, intellectual, financial, spiritual, occupational, and environmental well bing.

Wellness By Rosh

Wellness By Rosh programs are focused on complete wellness, Our approach is based on the following assessment:
  • Biomarkers
  • Nutritional Deficiency
  • Lifestyle– Every day’s habits, sleeping quality, energy level, pain
  • Integrative Nutrition: customized plant-based nutrition
  • Regular Sessions– to motivate, support and empower the client. We provide resources like recipes, diet charts, instruction handouts
  • Maintenance And Support: we provide lifetime support to sustain
  • Our all programs are based on scientific evidence, and intelligently designed as per your age, gender, food habits, lifestyle and routine, which are helping not just prevent the disease but also to reverse it.
  • We carefully take into account the individual context, taste and physical activity level in order to tailor the best suitable step-by-step approach that can be easily followed and sustainable.

Our health coach Roshan Singh, guide you through the simple but effective steps that will help you tackle lifestyle diseases and rejuvenate your health.

What We Do

Create A Healthy Habits

  • Unprocessed, whole foods, nutrition-dense and plant-rich diet
  • Focus on nutrition to support healthy ageing with phytonutrients,
    healthy fatty acid balance, minerals, methylation and sulfation
    nutrients, and hormonal and immune support nutrition like vitamin D
  • Focus on oral/dental care
  • Focus on gastrointestinal health as digestive function
  • Focus on exercise to maintain good bone density throughout the
  • Emphasize social connectedness, especially around food quality
    and mealtime.
  • Stress management.
  • Adequate sleep.
  • Meditation
  • The feeling of purpose in life

Mostly asked Questions

Are the program results guaranteed?
Our health coaches always strive to help you achieve the best possible results! Your efforts combined with our expert guidance will help you accomplish your wellness goals.
After completing my program, will I be able to sustain my health condition?
Wellness is a journey; not a destination. After you complete your program with Wellness By Rosh and you have achieved your optimal health goal, we provide maintenance support and tips, which help you to stay on right path.
Do these programs include any kind-of drug or medications?
No, absolutely not, our fundamental approach based on holistic nutrition and lifestyle.
Wellness By Rosh


We Believe

“It is much more important to know what sort of patient has a disease than what sort of disease a patient has.”

– Sir William Osler

Welcome to Wellness By Rosh
How can we help you?