Founder of Wellness By Rosh

Mr. Roshan Kumar singh


A corporate IT Telecommunication entrepreneur turned “Integrative Nutrition Health Coach” from “The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, New York, USA.” Certified International Health Coach (CIHC), certified by IAHC (International Health Coach Association), is passionate about creating awareness, empowering people to live a life of optimal health and wellness, experiencing absolute joy.


My first transformation happened towards health and wellness in March 2020 when I saw my mother’s condition deteriorating after 11 plus years of suffering from Takayasu Arthritis and other conditions such as Hypothyroidism, Hypertension, Gout, Kidney disease stage 4, Diabetes type 2. Overloading of medications brought along many side effects.

My helplessness led me to research, and I decided to study and explore the field of Holistic and Integrative nutrition to have more profound knowledge to help myself and my mother. I found IIN, New York, where I started my learning journey.

I continued to study and master the various Integrative approach of healing oneself by combining deep nutrition, functional medicine, and clinical nutrition—combining the mind-body approach to make sustainable lifestyle changes.

On this learning path, I discovered I had an autoimmune disease(Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis), Gout, Gut Dysbiosis, SIBO, sugar cravings, brain fog, fatigue, and earlier weak immunity. My severe psoriasis in the past was linked with severe nutritional deficiency, leaky gut, and lifestyle.


My mother was able to descale her medications and get her metabolic function back on track, and her blood biomarkers are better than ever. I resolved many underlying causes and symptoms and achieved my blood biomarkers optimal level.

I shared my knowledge with my friends and family suffering from similar causes and symptoms. I was astonished by the results and improvement, which motivated me to share all these learnings to create a ripple effect of health and wellness.

My favourite diet plan from all 100 plus dietary theories is a combination of Microbiome Diet, Anti-Inflammatory Diet, and Four-season diet. I believe that we all are different bio-individuals, so one must find nutrition and lifestyle which resonates with their individual wellness goals.

It’s more important to understand the imbalances in your body’s basic system and restore balance, rather than name the disease and match the pill to the ill –  Dr. Mark Hyman 



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