Frequently Asked Questions

How to reach out Wellness by Rosh Team?
We would love to connect with you. Write us on, All correspondence is read, and the team will reply within 24 hours.
How does an online 1:1 consultation work?
To avail online consultation, you can fill up the form provided on, our team will respond within 24 hours and guide you further.
How does the online group program work?
Once you get enrolled with “Wellness By Rosh” the program of your choice/need, The team will connect to you within 24-48 hrs. and fix a call with the health coach. Your health coach will connect with you to understand your health condition and based on your lifestyle, food habits, age and other factors. Your expert coach will design a best suited personalised program for you.
How do I choose a suitable program for me?
Is it safe to share my health reports and information on wellness by Rosh website?
At “Wellness By Rosh”, we value your privacy. All your personal information, including your health reports and other personal details are completely secure. Wellness By Rosh, will not share any information without your prior consent. To know more about this, please go through our privacy policy.
Do these programs include any kind-of drug or medications?
No, absolutely not, our fundamental approach based on holistic nutrition and lifestyle.
Are the program results guaranteed?
Our health coaches always strive to help you achieve the best possible results! Your efforts combined with our expert guidance will help you accomplish your wellness goals. We can't guarantee results because a lot depends on your level of commitment; however, we do offer a refund if you're not happy with the service.
How do I connect with my Health Coach?
So, if you are enrolled with a “Wellness By Rosh”, program congratulation for taking the first step towards your fitness journey, Once you register, The WBR team and the health coach will stay in touch with you and assist you throughout to make the best use of the program and achieve the optimal health.
How often do I get a chance to talk 1:1 with my health coach?
Wellness By Rosh is an online consultation platform. All interactions with your coaches will take place online. Feel free to contact your coach via email.
What is the mode of payments; Is there any monthly instalment option?
Are there any hidden charges apart from the program fees mention on the website?
No, there are not any hidden charges for the program other than mentioned on the “Wellness By Rosh” official website.
Can I have one to one meeting with my health coach? Will I be provided with a customized diet plan?
When you enrol with a Wellness By Rosh, Our health coach will understand your health conditions, your food habits and we will provide a customised and detailed nutrition plan specially designed for you.
How often I will get the diet chart and other resources?
After completing my program, will I be able to sustain my health condition?
Wellness is a journey; not a destination. After you complete your program with Wellness By Rosh and you have achieved your optimal health goal, we provide maintenance support and tips, which help you to stay on right path.
How can I renew my package?
Is it possible to put my program package on hold?
Do you offer any discounts on programs?
To maintain quality standards Wellness By Rosh does not offer discounts. However, we have a dedicated Wellness team who will work with you to understand your organisation's needs & customize a program accordingly! Reach out to
Where can I get detailed information about each program?
We request you to please go through all terms and conditions carefully before enrolling for any program. The detailed information of each package is available on the website.
Who is eligible to enrol under the Family Program?
Start your wellness journey with your family. You can enrol for a “family Package". It can include 2 to 4 members of your family, that can be your partner, children or parents. you need to mention the details of them at the time of enrolment & get started.
How can I pay with an international card?
Making a payment with an international card is easy. Simply use the 'PayPal' payment gateway or through Debit Card and Credit Card. In case you face any issues, write to us on,
What all payments method supports by the Well By Rosh?
We accept all payment methords which our payment gateway support.
I enrolled for the free consultation; when can I expect a call from the Wellness By Rosh?
Congratulations on starting your wellness journey with Wellness By Rosh! our team will contact you within 24 hours of enrolment.
Where should I leave feedback?
We love receiving feedback! It helps us know what we're doing right and also where we can improve. You can share your feedback at
I am not able to register or enrol for the program; What should I do?
If you are not able to enrol or facing any kind of technical glitch. Don’t worry! we are here to help you, reach out to us at and we will assist you further.
If I am enrolling on the program; what kind of result I should expect.
Your individual transformation depends on several factors - your genetics, lifestyle, dietary habits, health condition and many others. The most important factor, however, is your commitment to the process. Wellness By Rosh is committed to your wellness and our expert health coaches will help you every step of your wellness journey.
I have some very critical health issues and I am on medications; can I be eligible to enrol for the program?
What is the refund policy of Wellness By Rosh?
Welcome to Wellness By Rosh
How can we help you?