Lifestyle Disease Prevention

Lifestyle Disease Prevention

  • Lifestyle Diseases like heart and chronic respiratory problems, cancer, and other non-communicable diseases have toppled communicable ones.
  • The recent reports say there was a corresponding increase within the contribution of non-communicable diseases percent of total disease burden in 1990 to 55% in 2016.
  • It is significant to research our lifestyle and make it better towards optimal health conditions.
  • Wellness By Rosh’s exclusive “Lifestyle Disease Prevention Program” is a perfect program that will facilitate you in understanding how some dietary and lifestyle changes can reduce the chance of chronic disease.


What is Lifestyle Disease

  • Lifestyle diseases, also called non-communicable diseases (NCD’s), are primarily caused by unhealthy eating habits and leading sedentary lifestyles.
  • The most common lifestyle disease are-
  1. Diabetes type-2
  2. Hypertension
  3. Hormonal Imbalance
  4. Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s
  5. Cardiovascular Disease
  6. Kidney Dysfunctions
  7. Obesity
  8. Metabolic Disorder
  9. Fatty Liver
  10. Gout
  11. Osteoporosis
  12. Autoimmune Disease


LifeStyle Disease Prevention Program

  • People are half-educated about lifestyle disease and their prevention, and the half-knowledge of anything can be dangerous and can end up with serious health issues.
  • It is essential to know what non-communicable diseases are, and how lifestyle change can play a crucial role in preventing them.
  • We perform a detailed evaluation of the blood marker report to check all health parameters.
  • Our approach is to identify the symptoms and eliminate the root cause of the problem, which will help in reducing the recurrence of the disease.
  • In Wellness By Rosh, we offer a wide range of programs you can choose as per your need, where our experienced and expert lifestyle coaches will guide you about healthy lifestyle and food habits through live sessions.
  • We recommend effective, simple, doable lifestyle changes which can make a huge difference in your well-being.
  • Our lifestyle coaches will help you make a sustainable routine that you can stick to and follow.
  • This program educated you about healthy and clean eating, exercise, physical training, mental well-being, and a healthy lifestyle effect on each internal organ and its health.


What This Program Include

  • A 1:1 personal appointment (once in 15 days/ per your chosen plan) will include discussing your health history, progress, and health goals, and recommendations with a complete set of notes.
  • You will learn the importance of healthy eating and positive lifestyle changes.
  • A complete meal plan, including pantry and recipe preparations, as per your selected plan and health condition.
  • We share various hand-outs, recipes, research paper links related to health and wellness to support you throughout
  • We guide you with detailed information about health supplements to support health.
  • We will provide videos about nutrition, a healthy balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle.
  • We provide WhatsApp text and email support for queries related to the program.

If you would like to experience the Transforming, Lifestyle Disease Prevention Program for you or your loved ones through a one-hour demo session, kindly email us at

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