
Easy Detox

3 Days plant-based detox to support optimal health and kick back your metabolism.

Plant Based Detox

8 days grain free detox to reduce inflammation, bloating and to feel energetic.

Liver Detox

21 Days deep nutrition two phase liver detox to reduce toxins and improve liver health.

Gut Detox

28 days 5R (Remove, Replace, Repopulate, Repair, Rebalance) approach to restore GUT Health.


Child Wellness

Wellness programs in areas of childhood obesity, eating disorders, weak immunity, slow growth, seasonal allergies, digestive disorder, skin disease and autoimmunity.

Family Wellness

Wellness program focused on 2-4 family size on individual or collective goals towards optimal health, motivation, support resources and tools to achieve them.

Senior Wellness

Wellness program to support aging, genetic disposition with deep nutrition and integrative approach to live a drug free, pain free life filled with joy, energy and independent.

Woman Wellness

Wellness program crafted to treat various hormonal and Gut related health issues like PCOD, infertility, obesity, sleeping disorder, metabolic syndrome, adrenal fatigue etc.

Lifestyle Disease Prevention

Wellness programs focused on early detection of lifestyle disease based on blood biomarkers and symptoms and integrative nutrition and lifestyle approaches to eliminate the root cause.

Lifestyle Disease Management

Wellness program focused on existing lifestyle disease management, deep nutrition, lifestyle and bio active supplements approach to trigger the nutritional healing.

Corporate Wellness

Wellness programs focused on integrative nutrition and lifestyle to increase focus, energy, productivity, reduce stress and anxiety, employee retention, improve work satisfaction.

Optimal Wellness

Wellness program for any age to lead an optimal healthy vibrant disease-free life based on wellness wheel approach and to find true joy and purpose of life.

Welcome to Wellness By Rosh
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