
Probiotics for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

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Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when excessive bacteria grow in the small intestine, leading to uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. SIBO affects an estimated 6-15% of the general population and is often linked to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). While antibiotics are the standard
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Functional Medicine Approach for Tourette Syndrome

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Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterised by involuntary motor and vocal tics, affecting many children's worldwide. While symptoms often improve with age, many individuals also contend with other overlapping conditions like ADHD and OCD. A functional medicine approach focuses on uncovering the underlying causes of TS, emphasising a
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Functional Medicine Approach for Diverticulosis & Diverticulitis

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Diverticulosis and diverticulitis are increasingly common digestive conditions, particularly in Western societies, where a low-fiber diet is prevalent. Diverticulosis, characterized by small pouches (diverticula) that form in the colon, affects approximately 20% of individuals aged 40-49. It rises sharply to 75% in those over 80. While diverticulosis is often asymptomatic,
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Functional Medicine Approach For Ulcerative Colitis

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Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that primarily affects the colon and rectum, causing inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. This condition significantly impacts a patient's quality of life due to its chronic nature and the severity of symptoms. A functional medicine approach, which focuses
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Natural approach for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR)

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Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR), often referred to as "silent reflux," is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Unlike the more familiar gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), LPR doesn't always present with heartburn, making it more difficult to diagnose. Instead, it shows up through a variety of symptoms such as often
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Probiotic Strains to Degrade Histamine

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Histamine intolerance results from a disequilibrium of accumulated histamine and the capacity for histamine degradation. Histamine is a biogenic amine that occurs to various degrees in many foods. In healthy persons, dietary histamine can be rapidly detoxified by amine oxidases, whereas persons with low amine oxidase activity are at risk
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Vitiligo: Functional Medicine Approach

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Vitiligo is characterised by depigmentation of patches of skin, resulting from the destruction of melanocytes (which produce the pigment, melanin) in the epidermis. The cause of vitiligo primarily due to autoimmune disease and specially due to leaky GUT. Imagine waking up one morning to find patches of your skin losing
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How to Prevent and Control UTI Naturally

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UTI, or Urinary tract infection, is known as one of the most common bacterial infections. It is estimated that more than 150 million people suffer from UTIs each year. E Coli is one of most common pathogenic bacteria that commonly cause UTIs. However, other types of infectious bacteria may be
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Health Benefits and Clinical Use of Clove – Eugenol

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Clove is a common ingredient found in our kitchen. But it is not just a good flavouring agent as it comes with clinical uses and health benefits. Clove is a medicinal plant since ancient days. Eugenol, a vital part of clove is what constitutes the valuable properties of clove. In
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How to manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) naturally.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic relapsing disease that affect a major population worldwide. It may affects a person's daily life and can cause abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhoea, painful bowel movement, excess bloating and other digestive problems. There are many multifactorial reason including stress, genetics, leaky gut, celiac disease,
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