Spread the Wellness

Water kefir is a probiotic beverage made by placing grains known as water kefir grains into sugary liquid and allowing them to ferment the liquid. The end result is a beverage that’s packed with probiotic cultures that can be used as a base to make a number of other drinks.

Water Kefir is dairy free which makes it better choice for those looking to eliminate dairy from their diet.


• Respiratory Issues (Simple or complex breathing problems)

• Improved Immune System health

• Cancer Prevention

• Improved Digestion and better gut health

• Skin care

• Speeds up Brain Function

• Stress Relief and Anti-Aging

• Weight loss, due to the intestinal flora being able to better process food

• Painkilling

How to Make Plain Water Kefir

• 1 liter filtered water

• 1 tbsp water kefir grains (You can purchase it from here)

• 4 tbsp of cane sugar

• 1 sterilized glass jar (1.5 -2-liter capacity)

• A wooden spoon

• A mesh strainer

• A thin towel or some cheesecloth

• Twine or a rubber band


1. Dissolve cane sugar in warm water (20-34 °C) with a wooden spoon in a jar.

2. Strain Kefir grains from the previous batch and add to the jar.

3. Cover the jar with the towel or cheesecloth and secure the cover in place.

4. Ferment the water kefir at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours.

5. Once the kefir has fermented to your preference, strain the grains out of the kefir and move them to a new container of sugar water.

6. Store the kefir in an airtight container in the fridge.

7. For enhanced benefits and flavor add ingredients of your choice, in the above picture I have added turmeric and ferment it for another 24 hours at room temperature.