1. The most significant overall change I have noticed has been
There has been quite a few significant change in my heatlth, energy level and attitude after I started making small chnages in the way I lead my life and the things I eat based on suggestions made by Roshan. I am a 40 year old adult and want to take my health on pripority now. All the suggestions provided by Roshan has been very effective in the way I go along with my day today life. He is aware that I don’t have much time and I have a bit of laid back attitude but accordingly he has suggestesd me the chnages which are not very difficult to do but has had significant effect on my health and the way I handle stress. Iwould definetely suggest anyone who is looking for leading a healthier life to contact Roshan.
2. I would recommend “Wellness by Rosh” INTEGRATIVE WELLNESS program to
Anyone and everyone.
3. Any other comments and feedback
I am going to be continiously be in touch with Roshan and hope all of us lead a longer and healthier life.
4. Can we state your first name and use your testimonial on my website and other marketing materials?
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