Integrative Hypertension Prevention & Management Program

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INFORMATIVE AWARENESS EVENT ON HYPERTENSION Event Date: 20 AUGUST 2022 Zoom call timings: 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM Zoom link will be shared by email. Host for the Webinar Mr. Roshan Kumar Singh  (Founder: Wellness By Rosh) 0 DAYS 0 HOURS 0 MINUTES 0 SECONDS Webinar Highlights A complete understanding

Significance of Movement and Exercise

Spread the Wellness
Movement and exercise help an individual avoid chronic diseases. A good diet filled with nutrition and adequate regular exercise and movement impacts metabolism & physiology, boosts immunity, transfers higher oxygen levels to cells etc. Unfortunately, majority of us struggling to incorporate regular movement into our lives. Here in this blog,

Zinc Role Beyond Immunity

Spread the Wellness
Zinc is an essential trace element which helps in regulating lipid, protein and nucleic acid metabolism. It facilitate wound healing, decrease skin inflammation, support immune function, tissue growth, and maintenance of thyroid optimal function. Here in this blog we explain everything you must know about zinc’s benefits, functions, deficiency symptoms,

The Role of Chromium in Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Obesity and Food Cravings.

Spread the Wellness
Chromium is an essential trace mineral required for carbohydrate, lipid, protein and corticosteroid metabolism. It has been purported to aid in weight loss via mechanisms which include increased insulin sensitivity, increased metabolic rate, decreasing food cravings and helps for the case of T2DM and gestational diabetes. In this blog we

Glutathione The Master Antioxidant With Enormous Benefits

Spread the Wellness
As we all understand how antioxidants play a significant role in detoxification, boosting immunity and optimizing overall health. Glutathione is an important and powerful endogenous antioxidant that is naturally present in every cell of the human body, in fact, it is present in all organisms in some amount. It is

How to manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) naturally.

Spread the Wellness
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic relapsing disease that affect a major population worldwide. It may affects a person's daily life and can cause abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhoea, painful bowel movement, excess bloating and other digestive problems. There are many multifactorial reason including stress, genetics, leaky gut, celiac disease,

Celiac Disease: Chronic Digestive Disorder

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Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune condition, triggered by the consumption of  a protein called gluten. Gluten is mainly found in  bread, pasta, and any other food containing grains like wheat, barley and rye. The gluten allergy causes inflammation and damage to the lining of  the small intestine, and make

Cooking Oil: Healthy Vs Unhealthy

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Nowadays, supermarkets are flooded with many types of cooking oils. Bringing the right kind of cooking oil among several options is a task. Different cooking oils are used for specific purposes. Some oils are good for deep frying, some are good to use as it is drizzling or garnishing purposes.

Hypothyroidism: Causes and Consequences

Spread the Wellness
Hypothyroidism is the second most common disease among women. 60% of the population walking around with an undiagnosed problem. A simple blood test could reveal the condition of your thyroid gland. The Thyroid gland is a very important gland for our good health and wellbeing however, because of faulty lifestyle

Calcium; An Essential Nutrient For Bone Health

Spread the Wellness
Calcium is an essential nutrient that our body needs for many functions including bone health and fracture prevention. It’s deficiency can lead to many health problems. A prolonged calcium deficiency can cause, muscle problems, dental problems, depression and other repercussions on your health. This blog is all about calcium such

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