
How to Manage Alopecia Areata Naturally?

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Alopecia areata is basically a generic medical term for hair loss. It is an autoimmune disease and two percent of the world population is affected by this disease. Though it is not a serious physical condition, but psychologically, it can be a stressful situation for anyone. Most people don't know
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Alpha-Lipoic Acid

The Role of Alpha Lipoic Acid in Keeping us Healthy

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These days, when health becomes an integral part of life, everyone is exploring new inventive ways to achieve optimal wellness. Alpha-lipoic acid received a lot of recognition in recent years, it is a naturally produced antioxidant, which is present in all kinds of cells. Alpha-lipoic acid also found in various
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Celiac Disease: Chronic Digestive Disorder

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Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune condition, triggered by the consumption of  a protein called gluten. Gluten is mainly found in  bread, pasta, and any other food containing grains like wheat, barley and rye. The gluten allergy causes inflammation and damage to the lining of  the small intestine, and make
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Cooking Oil: Healthy Vs Unhealthy

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Nowadays, supermarkets are flooded with many types of cooking oils. Bringing the right kind of cooking oil among several options is a task. Different cooking oils are used for specific purposes. Some oils are good for deep frying, some are good to use as it is drizzling or garnishing purposes.
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Hypothyroidism: Causes and Consequences

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Hypothyroidism is the second most common disease among women. 60% of the population walking around with an undiagnosed problem. A simple blood test could reveal the condition of your thyroid gland. The Thyroid gland is a very important gland for our good health and wellbeing however, because of faulty lifestyle
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Face Mapping

Face Mapping: Your Face is a Mirror of Your Health

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You must have been heard that "your face is a reflection of your soul", but do you know that your face is a mirror of your internal health? Well, it is absolutely true, there is a popular ancient method of diagnosis that completely depends on the facial condition, commonly known
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Omega-3 facts and health benefits

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Omega-3 fatty acids are some of the most essential fatty acids you can feed to your body. These days you must have heard or read about omega-3 fatty acids, and their health benefits, many people use omega-3 supplements. well, what you have read or heard is true, omega-3 boosts your
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Skin Microbiome: Secret to Radiant Glowing Skin

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Did you know that the human skin is the home to trillions of microorganisms including, bacteria, fungi, and viruses? Unlike the gut microbiome, the skin microbiome also plays an essential role to protect skin from pathogens, harmful germs and toxins. In this blog, we will provide you with a better understanding
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Calcium; An Essential Nutrient For Bone Health

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Calcium is an essential nutrient that our body needs for many functions including bone health and fracture prevention. It’s deficiency can lead to many health problems. A prolonged calcium deficiency can cause, muscle problems, dental problems, depression and other repercussions on your health. This blog is all about calcium such
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The Secret To Healthy Relationship

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All kind of relationships has their challenges. When it comes to a marital or romantic relationship, it becomes more challenging to deal with. It takes a lot to build a healthy and sustainable relationship with your partner. This blog post is for you if, you are struggling in your relationship
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